Donnely Construction Process
At PCM Inc. our core competence lies in the required strong project management skills which provide the required focus to make your construction project a success. As a result we are often able to achieve a turnkey completion well ahead of our competition.
We prepare a documented Project Plan including the estimated scope, duration, size and effort, thereby giving you accurate estimated completion dates. We are taking you step by step through the construction process of the Donnelly Project!
“This meeting is extremely important for many reasons. We do them throughout the year on frequent basis. First of all, it’s a very good place for the trades to mingle. In essence, the team is like a family, so team building is a key ingredient in our organization.
We have a team of specialized people, trades and suppliers, we have designers, we have engineers, where everyone works as a team, and these meetings are so important for them. The other part is also for them to meet the client so they know who they are building for. They know the family! So, here we go, let’s do it!”
– Carlos Jardino

Donnely Construction Process
At PCM Inc. our core competence lies in the required strong project management skills which provide the required focus to make your construction project a success. As a result we are often able to achieve a turnkey completion well ahead of our competition.
We prepare a documented Project Plan including the estimated scope, duration, size and effort, thereby giving you accurate estimated completion dates. We are taking you step by step through the construction process of the Donnelly Project!
“This meeting is extremely important for many reasons. We do them throughout the year on frequent basis. First of all, it’s a very good place for the trades to mingle. In essence, the team is like a family, so team building is a key ingredient in our organization.
We have a team of specialized people, trades and suppliers, we have designers, we have engineers, where everyone works as a team, and these meetings are so important for them. The other part is also for them to meet the client so they know who they are building for. They know the family! So, here we go, let’s do it!”
– Carlos Jardino